The Dolls

I wanted each lady to wear something she'll feel comfortable in, look fab in, and doesn't break the bank. I'm not into the clone bridesmaid look.
So, here's what we're doing:
All ladies will wear some variation of plum/wine/violet in whatever style they want (cocktail length), and the maid of honor will wear the eggplant purple, but have a long dress vs. cocktail length.

Bam. Bad ass style.

Since they're carrying feather boas down the aisle, I'm also giving them a feather hairpiece accessory handcrafted by!


I have known Amy since the 2nd grade--a whole whopping 23 years! We became best friends in 5th grade, and I can't express how lucky I am to have someone like her in my life. She lives in San Francisco and works as a librarian. She also draws and writes comics! She also has the most bad ass tattoos. Love love love her!


Jaimee and I met serendipitously. I was looking for a new roommate, and she answered the ad. As soon as she came to the door, she commented on my DMB tshirt. That sparked about an hour long conversation that ended up with her as my roommate for 2 years, and my friend for life!
Jaimee now lives in Portland, OR and works as a soil scientist. She's very outdoorsy and loves nature.
Jaimee is a newlywed! She got married in April in Hawaii. We got our mai tai ON at that shindig!


This my boo right here!
We met at orientation when we both started at the hospital together (she was L&D, I was Perinatal). I had met a classmate of hers the first day, and she introduced us. Within a few hours of meeting, we discovered a love for DMB and the very next day she brings me a CD of an unrecorded album. (I'm sensing a theme here) We became fast friends, and spent the next year exploring Chicago together, checking out clubs, and going to concerts. We were roommates a few months later, and the rest, as they say, is history!
Steph now lives in San Antonio (her hometown) with her fiance (getting married in May 2010) and two doggies. She works as an ER nurse. She is one of the most loyal friends a girl can have, and I'm glad she's one of my bestest!


Terry and I met in 6th grade. I sat next to her in block class (that's 3 subjects back to back, so she dealt with me for several hours) and just decided that she looked nice and I should be friends with her. Next thing you know she invites me to her birthday party. Then she gave me a car. Needless to say, she's a generous soul. But it's her generosity of spirit that keeps me in her clutches. One of the most kind-hearted people one could ever hope to meet, she's my best friend and I plan to keep it that way!

Tonya--Maid of Honor

My sister, aka Twink (attempting her best Lady Day look), obviously has known me since I was born. My whole life she was like a second mom--she'd pick me up from Girl Scout meetings, go to my orchestra and choir shows, and watch me perform on dance team at football and basketball games. People actually thought she was my mom because she was always around! She's a natural born caretaker, and will do most anything to help you...she won't let you forget about it, but she'll do it.
She's not married (yet) but we're hoping she's next, because for crissake she's been with this same guy off and on since I was about 2! =)

Her dress pick...

Stop Staring in Violet. So vintage. So her!

Her dress pick...

J Crew Sophia dress in Spiced Wine

Her dress pick...

Forever Yours 79102 in plum w/lavender sash

Her dress pick...

J Crew Delores dress silk/chiffon in Spiced Wine

Her dress pick...

Saison Blanche 2115 in Amethyst (shown here as brown)